Holt Legacy Circle

The Holt Legacy Circle is the organization's donor recognition society for those remembering Holt International in their estate planning.

More than 60 years ago, Harry and Bertha Holt felt a calling to help children in Korea. Today, their legacy brings hope to children and families around the globe as we seek a world where every child has a loving and secure home.

By including Holt International in your will, trust or estate planning, you will leave a legacy – one that lasts for generations!

What is your Holt legacy?

Membership in the Holt Legacy Circle is extended to anyone who has made a commitment to support Holt International with a planned gift through their estate and informed us of these plans. Planned gifts provide a way for adoptive families, adoptees, volunteers, and friends to participate in the future of Holt. Gifts may be channeled to specific areas within the organization such as a specific program or country, child sponsorship, the Special Needs Adoption Fund, The Molly Holt Fund, or left unrestricted to be used where needed most.

Enter Your Information

I have already included Holt International in my will or estate plan.

I intend to include Holt International when I write my will or create my estate plan.



  • 1-888-355-HOLT (4658)
  • [email protected]
  • Address
  • 250 Country Club Rd
  • Eugene, OR 97401
  • 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (PT) M - F